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Becoming a Member
Membership in the Episcopal Church comes through Baptism and Confirmation. Baptism is offered several times per year. Confirmation, which coincides with a visitation from our Bishop, occurs once per year. An Inquirer’s Class for those who wish to learn more about the church and membership is offered each year beginning in January and concluding in the early spring. Persons interested in membership are encouraged to attend this class and may also contact the Rector or any of the associate priests to discuss membership and other questions on a more personal basis. Please call for more information.

While everyone is welcome at Holy Trinity and invited to participate in the life of our community, becoming a member is an outward sign of commitment that formally joins you and your family with us in this congregation. Membership does bring some additional benefits, but more importantly is a statement that you intend to become part of the congregation in a deeper and more meaningful way. Only active members in good standing can vote in the annual meeting, be elected to the Vestry and host a wedding in the church.

Adults and their children may join the Church of the Holy Trinity by being baptized on one of the five special days set aside for baptisms each year. These are advertised in the bulletin on a regular basis. You can find out more about baptism by talking our priest.

Not necessarily. To be a member in good standing in an Episcopal Church, you must be confirmed, attend and give regularly, and actively join in the life of the church. But anyone can attend services, receive communion and participate in programs and classes without being confirmed.

We have a nursery for children 4 and under during worship.  It is  located in the downstairs area of the Parish Hall.  The nursery opens at 9:30 a.m.  Children are brought to parents and grandparents during announcement time in the worship service so that they may participate in Communion.

You are invited to join us in the Parish Hall after the Sunday service to have a time of fellowship and to enjoy refreshments prepared by volunteers from the parish.

Except during the summer months, we have faith formation classes for all ages.

Adult Classes
Sunday 9:30 a.m. Adult/High School Age Class
This class meets in the library of the Parish Hall.

Godly Play (Sunday School)
Sunday 9:30 a.m.

The church sends out an electronic newsletter twice a month. For those without e-mail we can mail these to your home.

Notices are also placed in the bulletin or announced during the service. If you have a message for the parish, please let the office know.

We maintain a contact list for all members. Let us know what is the best way to reach you.

Bathrooms are located in the Parish Hall. There is a handicapped accessible bath next to the kitchen on the first floor. There are women’s bathrooms downstairs on the Clinton side of the Parish Hall and men’s bathrooms downstairs on the garden side.

Please call 1-502-863-0505 for more information.

Please call 1-502-863-0505 for more information.

Please call 1-502-863-0505 for more information.

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