You are welcome here at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity–if you are young, old, or in between; if you are conservative or liberal, if you are short, tall, or in between; if you are single, married, divorced, or in transition; regardless of your ethnicity, your orientation, your economic background–there is a place for you here. Holy Trinity strives to be a community where we show forth the all-encompassing love of God both inside and outside of the doors of our building.
Please explore our website. If you would like to know more about Holy Trinity, or The Episcopal Church, please contact us — see our information below. We hope to have you worship with us!
Worship Times
Godly Play each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Class each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Adult Christian Education each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. followed by coffee hour in the Parish Hall.
Healing Service each Wednesday at noon
We have a nursery for children 4 and under during worship. It is located in the downstairs area of the Parish Hall. The nursery opens at 9:30 a.m. Children are brought to parents and grandparents during announcement time in the worship service so that they may participate in Communion.
We are two blocks from the Scott County Courthouse, on the corner of Clinton and Broadway (US 25). We have a parking lot off Clinton Street, opposite the church. Our offices are in the Parish Hall behind the church.

In addition to our main parking lot on Clinton opposite the church, you may park on South Broadway in front of the church or along side the church on Clinton and on weekends you may park in the lot belonging to the Water Company which is on Clinton, directly behind the Child Development Center.
During the week, please be mindful of the needs of the Child Development Center which uses the Clinton parking lot. The spaces marked “10 Minutes” do not apply to people coming for church matters.
Handicapped spaces are available in front of the church and adjacent to the flagpole on Clinton.
The Episcopal Church
Holy Trinity is part of the Episcopal Church, a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our Presiding Bishop is the Most Rev. Sean Walter Rowe.
Holy Trinity is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. Our Bishop is the Rt. Rev. Mark Van Koevering.