"How do We Respond to Suffering?"
Join us on Sundays at 3:00pm during Lent as we explore how people, now and in times past, respond to the suffering they see around them. All presentations will be held in our sanctuary at 209 S Broadway St.

3/9 Kentucky Humanities Speaker Series,
Dr. Alicestyne Turley
"The Underground Railroad and American Memory"
This presentation will provide a review of the Underground Railroad as the product of the work of black and white southerners committed to an evangelical cause of freedom written about in Dr. Turley's latest book Gospel of Freedom: Black Evangelicals and the Underground Railroad.
3/16 Troublesome Creek Stringed Instrument Co.,
Doug Naselroad & Dr. Ron Pen
"Culture of Recovery: Forging a path forward for those in recovery through creativity at the studios of the Appalachian Artisan Center" Addressing the rise of substance abuse disorders, the “ Culture of Recovery” (COR) Project at the Appalachian Artisan Center partners with the residential Hickory Hill Recovery Center and the Knott County Drug Court to forge a path forward for those in recovery through creativity, supplementing existing treatments with opportunities for skill building in the arts.

3/23 Kentucky Humanities Chautauqua Character,
Mary Carson Breckinridge, "Call the Midwife"
Janet Scott plays Mary, who founded the world-famous Frontier Nursing Service, establishing a team of trained nurse-midwives who risked their lives daily to deliver babies and provide public healthcare in the mountains of eastern Kentucky beginning in the 1920s. Mary went on to establish the Frontier Nursing University, which currently educates public health practitioners who have built upon Mary’s vision carrying the work of the Frontier Nursing Service around the world. Join us for chicken 'n dumplings afterwards!
3/30 Recital and Choral Evensong
Classical Guitarist, Dr. Andrew Serce
Holy Trinity Chancel Choir
Join us for a 30-minute recital given by Dr. Andrew Serce, faculty member of Georgetown College and University of the Cumberlands. We will follow with a timeless and beautiful Choral Evensong service with music by Simon Mold, Vernon Williams, Herbert Howells, and others.

4/6 The Rev. Dr. Christian Brady, Author
"Beautiful and Terrible Things: A Christian Struggle with Suffering, Grief, and Hope" Recovering the practice of lament. Author, scholar, administrator, and priest, Christian Brady, will share with us his journey through grief after the loss of his son. With deep faith, knowledge of Scripture, and the wisdom that comes only from experience, Brady guides readers grieving losses and setbacks of all kinds in voicing their lament to God, reflecting on the nature of human existence, and persevering in hope.